The Integrity Group is a licensed and insured private investigative and security agency. Our services include pre-employment background investigations, fraud prevention and detection investigations, opposition research, internal and professional compliance investigations, and performance compliance and management reviews. Our security services consist of the Guardian Program working with county school districts to provide law enforcement officers for assignment at schools in compliance with Florida statutes.
The Integrity Group is a fully licensed security company in the state of Florida. We provide services for streamlining secondary-duty scheduling for law enforcement agencies across the state through our Detail Prime program, as well as offer traditional security services. We pride ourselves in helping Florida schools comply with the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Act by offering both off-duty sworn officers and school guardians through this program.
The Detail Prime solution is based upon the realization that secondary employment is not only beneficial for law enforcement officers and their families, but is a critical need for many private and government agencies needing temporary or ongoing services and is a significant enhancement to public safety. It is all about law enforcement presence throughout the community.
Detail Prime is an innovative solution to provide management of officers in a “secondary duty” role and assist public safety agencies in this process. The focus of Detail Prime is on meeting public safety agency needs through equitable and timely requests for secondary employment from public safety employees; automated scheduling and notifications; ensuring compliance with all agency policies; easy requests for support from secondary employers; and full quality control, customer service, auditing & financial processing.
Detail Prime offers a streamlined process for secondary-duty scheduling and management in the following areas:
Secondary employers, such as schools, provide specific information concerning the location, time, description of location/event. Such employers are provided the hourly rate and minimum hours required.
Our coordinators and analytical staff conduct an initial review of the request (including potential site visits) and provide this information to agency management for approval.
Announces secondary duty opportunities to approved officers and facilitates registration, approval (by primary agency) and scheduling of secondary employment details.
Schedules officers for secondary duty and informs that officer, primary employer, and secondary employer.
Sends electronic reminders to officers and secondary employers regarding location and time of scheduled secondary duty details.
Other services provided in our system include:
Allows officers a quick and easy method to report absences or tardiness. Then, the back-up officers are notified to ensure secondary duties are covered.
Automatically deconflicts time to be worked with regular shifts and ensures that proper “rest time” between regular shifts and secondary assignments are followed.
Collects secondary duty fees from employing agencies and provides prompt payment (biweekly) to all participating officers.
Systematically collects any required payments from officers to the primary employer (gas, vehicle, other fees).
Monitors and ensures ongoing compliance with primary employer requirements of officers (vehicle insurance, etc.).